miri part one
hello all the way from MIRI!!!!
the night before i left was a long night. imagine having a couple of beers and whiskies and you board the plane with this miserable pain a.k.a gastric and your breathe still stinks with alcohol PLUS a lil tipsy-ness. perfect for sleeping? not at all. i was dead tired and managed to get a pretty good seat beside the window but my eyes were too tired for any views. the first hour was alright cause i manage to sleep. then later on, i was awaken by some noise near my seat. a lady was playing "one two juss/juice/juz" with her children. fine. i tried sleeping back but couldn't because the guy seating one seat away from me started on his own ochestra. great. so i went browsing on the magazines provided and when i saw the menu, i couldn't stop drooling. the pain then got more unbearable. =/ pak nasser's nasi lemak looked oh so sedap in the menu. i shut the menu and flipped through another magizine promoting places of asia. i really really wanna go Bali for holidays, a week at least. but i'm so BROKE now. seriously, chui is oficially broke.
she needs a reload in her poor wallet. so what if its burberry? -.- my mum was right. who cares if you are using a designer wallet, its the amount of notes you have in there that matters!
after having breakfast with shal at A1 restaurant ("the" breakfast place) we went back and all i remember was i fell asleep within seconds. dead tired! i got up in time for dinner and we had our dinner with damien and samsons at Lou Bin tan, this makan place near shal's house.
and later at night the party started! =)

at island bar

at cherrie berries
after drinking, we moved on with supper and i had "kueh chap", a local food here in Miri.

"kueh chap"
this is good shit(particularly with beer at especially low price). the soup is similar to bak kut teh and you all know how much i love bak kut teh ;)
after licking the end of the bowl, we called it a night =)
i slept like a pig that night. the next day we went to check out some potential hotels where shal plans to celebrate her 21st.

view by the beach at Marriot Hotel
the view is awesome-mo. even if you are not emotional at all, you'll just hit the button right away when you see such great view. by the way, did i mention we missed the sun set? lol.. we "purposely" missed it. wait for phei chuen mah.. hahathe next day, shal and i had dinner at BBQ Pork at don't-know-where.

they have pork meat, pork ears, pork intestines, pork tongue (wtf?) pork liver and the can never be more normal chicken wings. side orders will be pork nose, pork eyes and pork tail.(just kidding) oH and you can actually specially request for pork brain if you think you're too smart =)

shal and i decided to go with the normal cuisine. pork meat, pork intestines and chicken wings along with 3 for RM10 carlsberg.
after dinner, shal went for her group discussion in her uni and i was in her room counting sheeps.
and when she got back, we went out for supper! lol .. "kolo mee" also their local cuisine.
seriously, if i don't gain weight by the end of this trip, it'll be a miracle.
i have been eating and sleeping like a piG!!!
that's all for my first 3 days at miri!
....to be continued....
p/s its 5am now and we're going out for more food! ... shal says the warm soyabean is another good shit ; )
had ur nutritious drink yet?
my dad made us apple+carrot(weird combinations but yea, its about the love, yo!) juice yesterday =)
while drinking it with my brother just now,
joe: hey, you see my juice, darker wan..
me: how come? you add very little water only izzit?
joe: nolar, i got secret recipe.
me: what izzit?
joe: *point to the pepsi can* i added pepsi.
me: *swt* it supposed to be a nutritious drink la, you dumb fuck!
joe: sedap la....
i wish i could be with my sisters
when i took a look outside the lecture hall this afternoon at 2pm, the weather was all gloomy and it looked as though the night had taken place early. felt like it was already 8pm. the stupid weather affected my mood. we could all predict that it was going to rain heavily and the trees will 'tumbang' on the cars parked outside the college once again just like how it happened last year. well, it only rained heavily. =) during our half an hour break, despite the rain, i insisted on going to "Mc D's drive thru" as my stomach was growwwling. after satisfying myself with nuggets and fries, i instantly became a happy girl. i thanked myself for sleeping early yesterday night. my thursdays class is the longest and most of the time during my last class, my eyes will be half opened (by force) and my mind will black out simultaneously. today is different =) this whole week, i have to say i'm proud of myself for having enough of sleep, at least 7 hours everynight (the result of not taking afternoon nap, perhaps?)
i'm starting to love coming back home. my dad and i are in talking terms already and it was really funny during dinner just now. my dad asked if we want to see magic -.- and my brothers and i instantly said no. haha he was like "why nobody believes me?" = )
i have been really busy lately with tonnes of assignments. i still have 4 assignments (2 new) on hands. assignments, study, assignments, study. sigh.. so please excuse me if i can't come out. finals is drawing near and i don't know where to start. i feel lost and i hate it. this week, i skipped tax tutorial again because i didn't do my tutorials = ( luckily my attendance was taken though.
i haven't been eating rice since i *ahem* so yesterday i had to drive out to buy porridge for dinner. i cannot wait to be able to munch properly!
there's one thing i've been wondering. is it really important on how people are judging you? the impression you give to your friends and what they think you are not? recently, i just don't see a point in clarifying myself and the good thing is, the people who know you best will still be around you spiritually. =)
there's a song i would like to share with ya all ...
The Script - The Man Who Can’t Be Moved
going back to the corner,
where i first saw you
gonna camp in my sleeping bag,
I’m not gonna move
got some words on cardboard
got your picture in my head
saying: if you see this girl can you tell her were i am
some try to hand me money
they don’t understand
I’m not broke
I’m just a broken hearted man
i know it makes no sense
what else can i do
and how can i move on
when I’m still in love with you
cos if one day you wake up
and find that your missing me
and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be
thinking maybe you’d come back here
to the place that we’d meet
and you’d see me waiting for you
on the corner of the street
so I’m not moving
I’m not moving
police man says son you cant stay here
i say someone I’m waiting for if its a day a month or year
got to stand my ground
even if it rains or snows
if she changes her mind
this is the first place she will go
cos if one day you wake up
and find that your missing me
and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be
thinking maybe you’d come back here
to the place that we’d meet
and you’d see me waiting for you
on the corner of the street
so I’m not movingI’m not moving
I’m not moving
people talk about the guy
thats waiting in on a girl
woooaa wooo
and i no who’s in his shoes
put a big hole in his world
maybe ill get famous for the man who cant be moved
and maybe you wont mean to but you’ll see me on the news
and you’d come running to the corner
cos you’ll know its just for you
I’m the man who cant be moved
I’m the man who cant be moved
cos if one day you wake up
and find that your missing me
and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth i could be
thinking maybe you’d come back here
to the place that we’d meet
and you’d see me waiting for you
on the corner of the street
so I’m not moving
I’m not moving
I’m not moving
I’m not moving
going back to the corner were i first saw you
gonna camp in my sleeping bag and I’m not gonna move
p/s i can't upload the video so go search yourself
what was i anticipating for? why did i rush for? you...but in the end, you just left me there crying helplessly for being such a fool.
the bottom line is, i have a dead tooth in my mouth.
the past 2 weeks have been tough for me. early of last week, i was involved in an accident at 7.30 in the morning on the journey to college along MRR2 highway. i clearly remember my reaction when the collusion took place. "fuck fuck, damn it.. erghh" followed by a inadvertent punch on the steering wheel.
this is my 2nd attempt on resketching the accident.

it was already a very bad day for me but badminton that night sure did bring up my mood a little. that was what i needed. friends making me laughed/cheering me without knowing what happened that morning. nevertheless, in the end of the day, you still wish for that piece of consolation from that particular person. i miss those days where we would just whine to each another over a cup of tea.
the next day of my accident, my friend's dad was involved in another accident. the damage was way serious and complicated. he was hit by a tractor! and did i mention, my friend was with me when i knocked the car in front? i wonder how it feels like being involved in 2 accidents consecutively. my dad hasn't spoken to me since the accident and i know he will go on and on with this killing cold treatment until i get the car fixed. would you rather being scolded and yelled or totally ignored?
on last thursday, it was a blue moon : )
i didn't have a car but i was desperate to go college, not because i was hardworking but simply because i felt like going to college. i did it once and it will be the last time. that was when i found out, calling a cab now charges you RM2 instead of RM1 and this new charge was implemented 1 year ago. i took a cab to college from my doorstep and it cost me RM24. *ouch
(i could have bought 4 bottles of heineken in Miri AND i still can give tips!)
money is nothing when it comes to safety. if i knew i was going to meet a pathetic asshole and a son of a bitch in the lrt station on the way home, i won't mind paying a double of my cab fare to go home. the next time i see you again, it's when i'll be watching you strip your pants with a smirk on MY face this time.
to make the matter worst, that night itself i was suffering from a toothache which almost made me kill myself. i wanted to tie a string to that particular tooth and secured the other end of the string to the doorknob where the door opens outwards. i will wait patiently behind the door and on a count to three, i will make my brother open the door as fast as possible as though there are stripers in bunny costumes awaiting for him behind the closed door. and if that really took place, i swear i would have killed my brother. the pain was unbearable i couldn't sleep that night and that was the excuse for skipping class the following day.
i have visited the dentist and the pain has left but there's still a slight but disturbing sharp pain. before we go any further, let's look into the anatomy of a tooth. this could be boring, but please take note. you will know why at the end of this post.
the pulp chamber contains blood vessels, nerves and other connective tissues and creates the surrounding hard tissues of the tooth during development. The pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and development. However, once a tooth is fully mature it can survive without the pulp, because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it. if you know when the pulp matures, please enlighten me.

The Root canal treatment (RCT) is needed when the tooth's root becomes infected or inflamed through injury or advanced decay as you can see from the picture above.
The tooth is anesthetized. An opening is made through the crown of the tooth to the pulp chamber. Special files are used to clean the infection and unhealthy pulp out of the canals. Irrigation is used to help clean the main canal (called lateral canals).
The canals are filled with a permanent material, often gutta-percha. This helps to keep the canals free of infection or contamination.
A temporary filling material is placed on top of the gutta-percha to seal the opening until the tooth is ready to be prepared for a crown. A crown, sometimes called a cap, is made to look like a natural tooth, and is placed on top.
Althought it is said that the tooth was sedated but during the process, i was literally shrieking for pain and holding my hands together so tightly the nurse had to calm me down. seconds later, the pain became sharp and agonizing, i cried as my legs were kicking and hiting on the seat.
it was a torture i never want to endure again.
and the reason why i ask you all to take notice of this is that, this treatment easily cost me RM450. and this amount is not including "crowning"(to protect and restore the tooth to full function) where i have to do after my braces. crowning will cost me RM600. but of course there is an alternative to this treatment which is to get your tooth extracted. i have to skip this as the missing tooth will be a problem to my braces.
car damage
2 5 0 + 4 4 0 = 6 9 0
6 0 0 + 4 5 0 = 1 1 5 0
Jumlah keseluruhan dalam SATU bulan
6 9 0 + 1 1 5 0 = 1 8 4 0
0.o""" who wants to buy my backside?
on the journey home from the clinic, i cried. it wasn't just a hole burnt on my pocket, it felt like a blood suction right in the middle of my heart.
knn, in a blink of eye, my set of teeth has become more valuable.
p/s: please visit the dentist regularly. i swear you'll rather pay RM20 for consultation.
everything is going to be alright, there will be light for me to search my way out.
i'm feeling so lost and very very low right now. i couldn't concentrate in class at all just now so after 10 minutes in lecture, staring blankly at the projector not listening to a word the lecturer was saying, i made my way out of the lecture hall. i felt guilty but the pain in my stomach also convinced me to go home. what is the point attending lecture, but not gaining anything from it right? if i stayed on, it was simply to make my petrol more 'worth' it. i saved 20 ringgit but lost 45 minutes of my precious time.
this is a very bad start of my new semester. i disliked my course, now i hate it so much but there's no way out. i stepped in too deep and went through hell during diploma level but managed to make my way till the end safely and i'm grateful for the efforts i put in. i know clearly that there's no way for me to back out now. its just one way straight; die or survive. aren't we supposed to be doing something of our interest to enjoy this short life? i haven't tasted happiness since i got back here. college life is giving me a headache, accountings is cutting my life short.
i need somebody right now. i don't need you to hear me out. i don't need you to share my depression. i need one who can just make me happy for just a day without knowing anything at all. how come the person who really know what i want is you? you made me cry after so long but don't get me wrong, the tears don't mean anything at all. it just feels like i've made a big round.
my path now is towards ACCA and if i fail more than twice for one subject, i won't be able to claim exemptions and i won't be able to pursue my studies in Sheffield Hallam.
wasn't my 3 months break long enough for me to play around? why am i still not prepared for everything. there's no time to play anymore, no time to take a break, no such thing as honeymoon year. i really feel like having a shoulder to rest and at the same time, i just want my head straight up. i have to keep going, i'll meet you all at the end of the finishing line and that's when you'll tell me, "i'm so proud of you".
hightlight-"ers" of the night

year 2006

year 2008
i'm not fat but i DO look fat in the recent picture =/ its the blouse its the blouse *self console*
when i looked at the recent picture, it reminded me of the other one. i still remember it was mumbo jumbo that night at zouk.