miri part one
hello all the way from MIRI!!!! the night before i left was a long night. imagine having a couple of beers and whiskies and you board the plane with this miserable pain a.k.a gastric and your breathe still stinks with alcohol PLUS a lil tipsy-ness. perfect for sleeping? not at all. i was dead tired and managed to get a pretty good seat beside the window but my eyes were too tired for any views. the first hour was alright cause i manage to sleep. then later on, i was awaken by some noise near my seat. a lady was playing "one two juss/juice/juz" with her children. fine. i tried sleeping back but couldn't because the guy seating one seat away from me started on his own ochestra. great. so i went browsing on the magazines provided and when i saw the menu, i couldn't stop drooling. the pain then got more unbearable. =/ pak nasser's nasi lemak looked oh so sedap in the menu. i shut the menu and flipped through another magizine promoting places of asia. i really really wanna go Bali for holidays, a week at least. but i'm so BROKE now. seriously, chui is oficially broke.
she needs a reload in her poor wallet. so what if its burberry? -.- my mum was right. who cares if you are using a designer wallet, its the amount of notes you have in there that matters!
after having breakfast with shal at A1 restaurant ("the" breakfast place) we went back and all i remember was i fell asleep within seconds. dead tired! i got up in time for dinner and we had our dinner with damien and samsons at Lou Bin tan, this makan place near shal's house.
and later at night the party started! =)
"kueh chap"
this is good shit(particularly with beer at especially low price). the soup is similar to bak kut teh and you all know how much i love bak kut teh ;)
after licking the end of the bowl, we called it a night =)
i slept like a pig that night. the next day we went to check out some potential hotels where shal plans to celebrate her 21st.
the view is awesome-mo. even if you are not emotional at all, you'll just hit the button right away when you see such great view. by the way, did i mention we missed the sun set? lol.. we "purposely" missed it. wait for phei chuen mah.. haha
the next day, shal and i had dinner at BBQ Pork at don't-know-where.
they have pork meat, pork ears, pork intestines, pork tongue (wtf?) pork liver and the can never be more normal chicken wings. side orders will be pork nose, pork eyes and pork tail.(just kidding) oH and you can actually specially request for pork brain if you think you're too smart =)
after dinner, shal went for her group discussion in her uni and i was in her room counting sheeps.
and when she got back, we went out for supper! lol .. "kolo mee" also their local cuisine.
seriously, if i don't gain weight by the end of this trip, it'll be a miracle.
i have been eating and sleeping like a piG!!!
that's all for my first 3 days at miri!
....to be continued....
p/s its 5am now and we're going out for more food! ... shal says the warm soyabean is another good shit ; )
your part 2 next year ar?
just wondering where is miri part 2?
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