Tuesday, October 10, 2006

lovely lecturer

I was browsing through Tarc's homepage and found this in the bulletin board posted by my programme supervisor, Ms Ng Yen Hoong. I thought it was rather interesting that her foreseeing is quite wild, hence I'd like to share with ya'll..

Wed, Jul 26, 2006 -- TARC is a non-smoking campus! (",)
Dear students,
Recently, I have bumped into a few students, who smoked in the college campus. For your information, TAR College is a non-smoking campus! Therefore, students are not allowed to smoke within the campus (regardless whether you are at Block R or Block PA or anywhere else).
I'm sure, right now, you are studying for your future, right? Imagine this:
---You have graduated from you studies (Dip + Adv Dip + ACCA)
--- You have started working and are at your peak of your career
---You hold the position of a CEO of a reputable company in Malaysia (or overseas)
---One day, you felt a sharp pain at your chest and went for a check-up. You are diagnosed with lung cancer.
What will you do? You will be regretful of what you have done to your body. Don't say "Aiyah, never mind-lah, I can quit smoking anytime I want...before it's too late!". Oh, really? How do you know when it's too late? And, smoking is addictive. The more you smoke, the more difficult it is for you to stop.
So, help yourself and your beloved family, stop smoking now. And, make TAR College a non-smoking campus.

She's so cute, oh so I think so.. All all her students love her..

Ms. Ng doesn't remember her students' names so when she happens to ask questions she would point at any students and says "you, yellow shirt...." "pink shirt...." "black shirt.....""you, white shirt..." and they will all eventually answer her questions. Then on this one day, a brilliant student came out with an impausible idea by asking everyone in the class to wear black shirt!! Ta-da, Ms Ng was surprised and she went red in the face! ; )


At 5:04 AM, Blogger JuneFaith said...

isn't most institutions around here are non smoking ones? mine too. but we have a smoking zone. where the people puasaing who wants to smoke go there and hide behind the bush. so silly. lmao.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger JoannE said...

izzit? lol.. i'm not too sure but at least u have a smoking zone!..

puasa kenot smoke wan arh ?
hahaha .. i thought kenot drink and eat only ...=.=


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