thank you!
So today i only had one test instead of two and you know what? i was more than delighted when the course rep broke the news. I studied the right subject even before we knew bout the postponement due to some techincal error in computer lab but still, i didn't do promisingly for the test held today. we had 20 multiple choice questions and there were a few same questions. "it this a trick or what?" i thought while looking cautiously whilst spot for differences. i brushed off my suspicion when the tutor affirmed that they are the same questions, same answer. she said itz bonus questions but what if we got it wrong, both also wrong lah? kononla, bonus. actually the point of this post is to share with you guys that what i've hoped for, came true!!
Layer ELEVEN : Finish The Sentence
I need: more time!!!
and there.. the test is cancelled and i can revised again over the weekend, hopefully can fight for better result! =)
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