Thursday, August 23, 2007

here you are =)

"never try to hard because the best thing comes in the least expected way"

of course, depending on each circumstances. say in studies, nobody on earth will say such phrase to you.

as in my case, never try to hard looking in for something which you strongly believe it lies somewhere in the house. two days ago, i practically spent the whole freaking day looking for my passport after knowing missing passport is quite a serious problem and causes loadsa hassle like paying a visit to the balai and some sort. i was told in case of a missing passport, you might need to wait for 6 months to get it done and they might not give it to you if ermm..they don't like you. just kidding. i knew the police will ask me to search thoroughly first if i were to tell him i lost it in the house and it will probably not convince him if i say i've searched like hell as though i've lost my soul. believe it or not, i have a whole script in mind in lodging a report. i even thought of saying i had a spring clean few months back and might have thrown it away unintentionally. then again, lodging a false report is a crime isn't it?

i also went to the Pejabat Pendaftaran something something near my college to enquire what i should do for a missing passport. the longest to get it done is 3 months, as i was told. a huge relief for me.

less than an hour ago my aunt asked me to look for my grandmother's IC in the drawers and there i found my beloved long lost PASSPORT (somewhere in the end corner) both old and new *beams* i couldn't even recognise the picture inside. i couldn't believe my eyes. i swear i've searched that blardy drawer for more than 3 times, at least. i jumped for joy, woke my bro up and waved at him the found passport. he couldn't be bothered less and continued his sleep. i ran downstairs and showed my dad and as expected he said "see i told you its definately somewhere in the house". -.- I also know la but don't know where mah.

happy happy happy.. its not a big deal but you have no idea how depressed i was for the past few days. i couldn't study and eat. okay the latter is a lie =P

I'm very happy but i know this is not the kinda happiness that will last long. tomorrow will be back to the same routine.

oh btw, i didn't get to find my grandma's IC


At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i Know exactly what you mean!!!
damn frustrating and depressing when u cant find something.

i could give you a whole list of things that i've lost and found/did not find.
but yeah

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel your happy for you too =).. a cute post this is.. maybe your grandma's IC will appear when your passport loses again...haha..*touch wood*

At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey chui!!

lucky u!!atleast u've found it back before u went through the hassle then only find back!!LOL....that time i tel u...*kek sei...
and mel, u always misplace ur stuff...hahahha....


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