yes i'm back =)
I have finally shopped!! oOoohh satisfaction =) Firstly, I would like to apologise for my lack of blogging. If you know me well enough, you should be well known that my hype for blogging is always on and off. Hey! at least I don't close down and start back in few months time. Frankly, I've been way too busy with my college stuff and I've tried to blog but ended up erasing everything and watched tv. I can't blog anymore when there's no inspiration unlike last time, I used to write about anything and everything that happened in my life. I'm not that free anymore and there's not much of point for writing something unmeaningful.
And to respond to the previous post, its basically my braces. =E
There's no surprise anymore since half of the world has seen me in braces and my new look(kinda). I just don't wish to leave the previous post hanging. And sorry no pictures at this moment but I promise that I will post up when I'm VERRYYY free.
Something weird happened to me yesterday. I almost got summoned by police for making an illegal u-turn and I got so emotional that I started tearing. Surely, it wasn't only because of that. It was already 11pm and the area around Sg. Wang and Times Square was so congested with cars that I got fed up and stressful. We were looking for our way back to Wangsa Maju and made a u-turn when we went into the wrong road. I was tailing my my friend's car and the police caught me but my friend. How lucky. After "getting rid" of the policemen, I started to sob and tears just flow down my cheeks. It was my first time crying in front of my collge friends and they were shocked but still tried to make me laugh and at the same time, calm me down. Then, I started sobbing and laughing simultaneously. Altough it was embarassing, I felt so much better expressing myself the way I'm used to.
I just had to let it out.
I got back my phone already! Its beautiful BUT boring. The repair wasn't cheap and I can't imagine how much it was going to cost if i didn't let a friend fix it. Maybe because I've used it for a year plus already,I feel that the phone is a bit 'sot kau'.
There's something precious in my hands which is going to slip away soon. I can't tell when but if I don't hold tight of it, it might slip off when it has a chance to. What if I hold it on to tightly and break it with my bare hands? Perhaps I should learn to let it go so that it'll spread its wing and learn to fly.
Do you... need freedom?
I really need to chill by the beach listening to music.
''at least I don't close down and start back in few months time.''
haha.. i was meaning the old me
"at least i don't close down and start back a few months time ANYMORE"
lol ..
btw, what happened to ur blog la?
i'm not invited to your blog la now?
sudah closed.haha!
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