Friday, May 02, 2008

thought at the moment

while deciding whether or not to go for a morning jog, unconsciously, i picked up my phone and started to browse through my old messages. and i cried. memories were squeezing through my mind. gushing through like a waterfall.

what does forever mean? we will forever be together. i laugh whenever i see this phrase. frankly, i only believe forever in terms of family. the people who brought me to earth, the people i grew up with are forever. father, mother, sisters and brothers. they will forever take their roles respectively but a partner can turn into an enemy too easily. as quoted by both of my parents "parents will forever be parents but they will not forever be husband and wife". i have accepted it and adjusting my life to live this way. nevertheless, if i have a genie on hand, i will not ask for world peace.

a relationship can start of with an awfully sweet date, it can also end up with disastrous pain. people still believe in happy ever after but the fact is, most parents are still together simply because of commitment and responsibilities. only a few still say 'i love you' and that's what i admire most. of course we all love happy endings and even pray for them. i don't believe in the outcome as long as there is a process of us together. in short, loving somebody doesn't mean we have to own that person. there are too many ways to love, choosing to be together in a relationship is to risky to lose the one you love.

before you think about starting a relationship, why not try growing a plant? see how much of love, tender and care you are willing to shower upon it and let's see if the flowers will bloom for you.

despite such a dead post, i, myself have not given up to find that 'forever' in my life yet. afterall, i love happy endings too =)
i'm going to get ready for a morning jog now! new day, new hope!


At 9:01 AM, Blogger Phei Chuen said...

they say .......

'' nothing last FOREVER ''


At 11:16 AM, Blogger JoannE said...


eyh we have to do some morning jog when i come back..okay okay?
feeling old already, in need of fresh air =)

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Phei Chuen said...

so you want us to jog to sri petaling?

die straight.


i don't believe in "we will be together forever" but i do believe in "i will love you forever"

i think no matter how bad a relationship ended, you will still love the person. that's if it ended in good terms and he didn't cheat on you!!


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Phei Chuen said...

Mariah Carey - I Stay In Love

perfect for this kinda situation. :)

At 11:58 AM, Blogger JuneFaith said...

oops. that was me. i was using pc's account to make her blog skin!!! (=


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