happy go lucky!!
my dad is in a bad mood today ever since dinner as claimed by my sister. my dad reads newspaper in his room and he usually has newspaper piling up like mountain in his room. god knows what he was pissed at that he threw the whole load of newspaper down the staircase just a while ago. poor brother had to pick them up but serves him right. he should have knew bringing the newspaper down once in a while is his job =P on the other hand, i'm in a rather good mood, probably because i just woke up from sleeping. not just sleeping but sleeping on a rainy day =) i had to drive back from college in a heavy rain, my vision was so blur and all i wanted was to reach home, safely. today is my last day of semester which means my finals is drawing nearer and nearer. thankfully, i only have one paper this sem and i know i have to do well. i don't get to share my past results with anyone, not my friends but once i got my results recently, i showed it to my dad. i was proud and surprised with my results hoping that i could share it with my family members and everyone i love. i wasn't sure if my dad was happy but i could somehow sense that he's proud of me. friends asked is if i failed and if i said no, i had good results, they'll probably thought i was showing off. so i just said no. i know i'm the kind of person who always want to win, be it a sports competition or academically. my mum gives me the inspiration and encourgement to prove to our relatives that we are not weak people and now my brothers are probably annoyed by me, always asking them to study. but i can't help it, i just want them to feel proud of themselves one day.
i think i'm thinking too much =.=
in half a month time, boon will be going to Kang to work and study at the same time. its sad that he'll be staying there but i have to say, i do miss the times we had when he was in Nilai. all i can hope is that he will excel in the things he's going to do there, work or study.
don't worry, i will understand : )
i'm gonna join the KFC contest for a HOME MAKEOVER!! even if i have to eat a whole barrel of chicken!! pls la, give me ONLY drumstick!! ; )
aww... glad you are doing so good in college. keep it up!
and there's a home make over contest my KFC? You know, I'd join if my room wasn't painted red. I love my dimmed light room and I don't care what the professionals say, my room rocks! hahaha. ;)
haha yeah our future lies in our ahnds right ? =) u have to keep it up too cause i heard u're as well doing well ;P
i checked out the contest already and itz so stupid!! u have to count the amount of the rice which can fit in the new kfc logo..
and those broken pieces are not counted ..
now u tell me how?
i like ur room too ! ^^
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